Sustainable Origins Strategy

Sustainable Origins Strategy

Blommer Chocolate works closely with our customers, suppliers, international organizations and implementation partners on customized sustainability programs. First initiated in 2004, they now cover about 61% of the cocoa we source globally, and 78% of the cocoa we source from West Africa.

Safeguarding the Environment

Group of people sorting through cocoa pods

Throughout all of our sustainability work, safeguarding the environment and preserving the planet for future generations is considered essential. This is a global commitment that customers and producers entrust us to uphold. This is not necessarily an easy task however as there is much evidence that shows that since 2000 there has been a considerable expansion of area under cocoa in Cote d’Ivoire which has come at the expense of virgin rain forest.

Blommer recognizes that the cultivation of agricultural commodities, including cocoa, has been a driver of accelerated deforestation and forest degradation in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, the world’s leading producers of cocoa. In response to this challenging problem, Blommer, working with other industry leaders and key development partners, helped to establish the Cocoa and Forests Initiative. Through this effort we have announced our commitment to end deforestation and forest degradation in our direct supply chains in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana.

Given the vital role that smallholder cocoa farming plays in providing for employment and income in local communities, efforts to end deforestation and forest degradation must be done in a socially acceptable manner. In all of our efforts, we understand the critical need for a balanced and comprehensive approach between farmers’ livelihoods and the environmental challenges. View Blommer's statement on deforestation.

  • Cocoa Forest Initiative